
Kentucky Career Center - Cumberlands is Your One-Stop Connection to a Better Future

Workforce Development Act Title 1B — The Cumberland WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) provides a variety of business solutions and services to new and existing businesses. One comprehensive Kentucky Career Center (Somerset) and 13 local offices are available in the 13-county region to assist business and industry in receiving all of the services they need. Business Services Team leaders are available to meet with businesses to ascertain what available resources will meet their current and/or future needs and the Kentucky Career Center-Cumberlands partner that can provide those services. The Application and Hiring Process: Take applications for positions at company site or the local Kentucky Career Center; screen and refer applicants based on company’s qualifications for each position; schedule job interviews; Provide space for interviews and provide selected testing and assessments. We also offer the following training; customized training, on-the-job training, short-term training and employability skills.

Career Development Office — The Career Development Office assists the Local Workforce Development Areas to connect with employers within a Local Workforce Development Area to provide solutions for business workforce needs. Employer support is conducted by business liaisons working within a Local Workforce Development Area. These business liaisons; promote advantages of using the One-Stop Career system to businesses, industries, and civic groups; make presentations to business and civic groups explaining the importance of Workforce Development Boards; promote to the business community; career system training programs including on-the-job training, customized training, and incumbent worker training; meet with economic development professionals and industry prospects to provide current labor market information; coordinate business participation, marketing, and other aspects required for conducting regional job fairs and attend business services/workforce-related meetings such as; Regional Economic Development Council, Chamber of Commerce and Training Consortium.

Kentucky Career Centers (Office of Employment & Training)

Kentucky Adult Education (KYAE)  Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) - KYAE offers GED preparation, adult basic education and literacy, English as a second language, and workforce education to individuals, families, incumbent workers and pre-hire training for business and industry. KYAE also provides WorkKeys evaluation and targeted instruction for the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) and adult basic education skills training for the Kentucky Manufacturing Skills Standard (KMSS) Certificate. Training is provided at work sites and in local KYAE provider adult education learning centers in all 13 counties in the Lake Cumberland Area Development District (LCADD).


Kentucky Farm Worker Program — Kentucky Farmworker Programs, Inc. provides assistance to employers who are looking for trained, qualified workers by; assisting with job applications; job referrals; on-the-job training (employer gets a money back incentive while new worker is training) and follow-ups and counseling when needed to ensure retention of that new employee.

Kentucky Farm Workers Program

Pine Knot Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center — The Pine Knot Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center (PKJCCCC) is a residential job training program for at-risk young people between 16-24 years of age that is located within the magnificent Daniel Boone National Forest in Pine Knot, KY. The Center offers training opportunities in nine different Career Technical Training areas to include: Automobile Technology, Computer Technology, Construction Craft Laborer, Culinary Arts, Union Bricklaying, Union Carpentry, Union Painting, Urban Forestry and Welding; and both a GED and High School Diploma Program. The PKJCCCC is operated by the U.S. Forest Service through an interagency agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor and serves 224 students.

Pine Knot Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation — The Kentucky Office for Vocational Rehabilitation assists businesses in hiring, developing and keeping valued employees. They provide an array of services at no cost. The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation wants to work with your business toward placement and retention of people with disabilities in the workforce. Our custom-designed programs and services exemplify your tax dollars at work for Kentucky’s business and industry. How can we help your business; accessibility checklist, employment services, personnel assistance, staff development and financial incentives. Employment services offered; prescreening of applicants based on essential job requirements, on-site job trainer and support services, job restructuring, worksite adjustment, accessibility survey of complete work site, assistive technology; devices and specialized equipment to assist in job success and follow-up services.

The Kentucky Office for Vocational Rehabilitation also includes different divisions whose main purpose is to work with individuals who have specific disability types and may need very specialized services. We have specialized Blind Services staff who work with people who have significant visual impairments. We also have staff who specialize in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services. We offer many services that can be very specific to the needs on an individual with a disability or a business. For more information on how we can assist you, please contact one of our local offices and speak to one of our staff.

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Somerset Community College, Workforce Solutions Department — The Workforce Solutions Department is committed to providing solutions for the workforce development needs of the local business community. We offer high-quality, cost-effective customized training and assessment services that are designed to improve the performance and efficiency of your company. SCC Workforce Solutions staff will work with you to design training programs to meet the specific needs of your company and bring them directly to your location at a time convenient for you. Most classes award academic credit which may be applied towards a certificate, diploma or associates degree offered at SCC. In addition to the training, SCC Workforce Solutions staff can help clients develop a KY WINS project, if eligible, that will assist with the training costs. We offer training in the following areas: Leadership, Team Building, Customer Service, Lean/Quality/Six Sigma/ISO, Maintenance and Technical Training, Computer, Safety, Employee Development, CDL, Lineman, and Continuing Education.

Somerset Community College, Workforce Solutions Department

Goodwill Industries — Goodwill helps seniors find work, develop new skills and talents, and build their financial security by taking advantage of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). SCSEP is an on-the-job training and employment program designed to help those aged 55 and older update their job skills, build work experience and confidence, and continue to have economic security and well-being.

Goodwill Senior Community Service Employment Program


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