Mission Statement
"To invest in the local economy by developing opportunities for employers to access a skilled workforce, and for workers to access training and quality jobs."
Vision Statement
"The One-Stop System will be where the community goes for its workforce needs."
CWDB - Who We Are
The Cumberlands Workforce Development Board (CWDB) is a 29 member advisory board that includes representatives for 13 counties which includes the 10 counties of the Lake Cumberland Area Development District and 3 counties of the Cumberland Valley Area Development District. The goal of the CWDB is to invest in the enhancement of our workforce and business community.
The CWDB has oversight of the Kentucky Career Centers located within the Cumberlands region, provide Youth, Adult, Dislocated Worker and Trade services that lead to employment through training or other related activities with funds provided by the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act. The board approves training providers for customers training, partner with economic development, employer community and promote private sector involvement in the workforce system and serves as an advisory body to local education and training providers.
Partnered with other local partners to create a High Growth Training Center which has evolved into a Lineman Training Center that is helping to shore up the shortage of trained electrical lineman within our state. Received grants that allow for training in needed areas within our region including healthcare, utility, green energy, summer youth employment, and paid work experience for both youth and adults that focused on longtime employment. Partnered with other workforce areas through the WIRED65 initiative to create a regional approach to economic development.